Q I've read that I should do 20 minutes' aerobic exercise three to five times a week. I've also read that weight training is recommended three times a week. But how can I find the time?

A Spending your evenings in the gym is not always an option when we have families and work commitments but we owe it to ourselves and our loved ones to look after our health and fitness. So, how are you going to fit all this in to your busy life?

It's great if you can do some aerobic exercise, some strength work with weights and some stretching three times a week but we also have to earn a living! How about having a two-week routine so you can fit in a bit of everything?

Then you can stop yourself getting bored while keeping your fitness levels up. If you use a gym, ask the instructor for a 30-minute cardiovascular workout plan and an alternative plan for strength exercises. You can alternate each time you use the gym.

Look out for lunchtime workout classes, Courtney's at Monk's Cross has 30-minute circuits and abdominal workout classes at lunch time.

If you are finding your exercise regime is interfering with your work, maybe you should think about changing your job! I will be running the RSA course for exercise teachers again in September. Ring me or Lisa at the York training centre for details on 01904 554477.