DEVELOPERS of the £4 million Northminster Business Park on the site of the ill-fated Challis garden centre in Upper Poppleton, now claim to have fulfilled their vow.

Martin Burgess, managing director of Northminster Properties Ltd, was determined to attract to the site off the A59 at least as many jobs as the 120 lost with the demise of Challis in 1996.

With the arrival of headquarters, and Clive Owen (see facing page), chartered accountants plus the likelihood of more new firms the tally of new jobs there has reached 172 working for 20 companies. And by the time the estate is fully finished next March, the numbers could rise to 220.

Tenneco Automotive may have closed its Monroe shock absorber manufacturing facility in Shipton Lane, York, last year but it is retaining a huge research and development facility with 30 people at Northminster where finishing touches are now being put on a 9,000 sq ft unit.

These will be among the biggest employers on the estate, although the likes of Link Conservatory Roofs, Teleproducts which produces telecoms testing equipment and Amey highways (contracted with North Yorkshire County Council to provide street lighting) have been established for months.

The Clive Owen premises will be one of seven office units between 1,600 and 5,500 sq ft which will be available to buy and to let between June and December as well as two 5,000 sq ft units.

Mr Burgess said: "In both cases we have already begun to talk to interested parties."

But apart from Clive Owen he can positively name one of the occupiers of the new venture. "It's us. Northminster Business Properties. We're claiming one of the units and moving out of our temporary building on the site," he said.