Q I would like to do a lot more things with my life but I can never seem to find the time. How do people who have made it find time to do so many things?

A The truth is that other people have no more time than you or I. Time is the great leveller, you cannot buy more and you cannot give it away. What you do with it can be the difference between having a 'great day' and 'running around like a headless chicken'.

Let me assume that you want to do more with your own time in the evening, for example. No one, especially me, is saying don't watch TV. But how much TV do you watch that you have little or no interest in? Here is a time-saving tip: pick up your TV guide. Look through its pages and mark everything you really want to watch this week. This will be your first surprise. Now make a list of all of the 'little' jobs you have been putting off for ages. Watch what you want to watch then either turn off the TV or leave the room. Look at your list of jobs. Select one that will be completed by the time your next programme comes on, and do it.

Remember: if we sleep eight hours a day and, on average including weekends, watch four hours of TV a day we spend exactly half of our lives doing one or the other.