SUE Lister comments on eating meat "riddled with antibiotics, animals fed offal from other animals, fruit and vegetables drenched in toxic pesticides and by milk laced with whatever chemicals the cow is subjected to" (March 29).

British milk from every farm is tested every day for antibiotics and other residues. A farmer contaminating a tanker load of milk and hence a full silo of milk is then liable for the entire supply that is spoilt.

A similar procedure is implemented with British meat, of which every side of beef, pork and lamb is inspected.

British animals have not been fed offal from other animals since 1996.

Likewise, strict controls are in place to regulate any pesticides or herbicides and again tests are in place to check for any residue in British crops.

Know what you are eating: buy British.

Michael Rickatson,

Lodge Farm, Sheriff Hutton, York.

Updated: 10:41 Wednesday, April 04, 2001