REFERRING to John Townend's comments concerning immigrants, I have no wish to join the National Front and I usually vote for a person, not a party, when elections are held but I am bemused at the apparent hostility to the claim that this is an Anglo-Saxon country.

Have I missed something somewhere? As I understand it only nine per cent of the population are of non-European descent, this surely means that 91 per cent are. And of those, at least 80 per cent are Anglo-Saxon.

It is politically correct to say this is a multi-cultural country, but this is a blatant untruth. The only parts of this country which can be broadly described thus are ghettos in inner cities, usually no more than ten per cent of the total population.

The vast majority of towns and villages don't have a racist problem because most of them are 90 per cent Anglo Saxon.

Jo Jones,

Rawcliffe Lane,


Updated: 10:48 Wednesday, April 11, 2001