THE article on York's cycling paramedic was brilliant and I read it several times avidly (April 18).

However I fear this is a little like treating the symptoms instead of the disease. I refer to the section of the interview regarding the inability of emergency vehicles to get through gridlocked streets.

Along with this excellent initiative should the great and the good not now think about seriously thinning out traffic levels as a matter of urgency, using draconian methods if necessary?

It seems the car dependent fraternity are not satisfied with their current methods of killing by mashing and gassing but now, in their selfishness obstruct emergency vehicles too.

To sit back and do nothing whilst lives are potentially lost is reprehensibly irresponsible to say the least.

Break car dependency in our city now. All it can do is save lives.

Graham Horne,

Beech Avenue,



Updated: 12:54 Saturday, April 21, 2001