I HAVE received my Census 2001 form, but I shall not be able to accurately complete it as my marital status is not catered for.

I am a male, and my wife died seven years ago, so which box do I tick? I cannot tick "single (never married)". If I am supposed to tick "married" why shouldn't the female - whose husband has died - do the same?

Instead the female has a special box to tick labelled "Widowed", so why no box for "Widower"?

Is this sex discrimination I ask myself? Is so, can I claim some compensation from somebody?

I must add that this is not the only form that does not cater for a widower.

All "bodies" that send out various questionnaires for a variety of reasons seem not to have heard of a widower.

What I shall do in this case, as in all similar cases, is delete the word widowed and insert widower and tick the box.

C Wileman

Tranby Avenue,



Updated: 11:05 Wednesday, April 25, 2001