FOR the last five days, the streets of York have been alive to the sound of music.

From the moment a convoy of open-topped buses opened BBC Music Live in Parliament Street on Thursday, York, along with Leeds and Bradford, has been treated to a veritable feast of song.

Theatres, bookshops, the Barbican, City Screen, even a barber shop, all staged events. Museum Gardens played host to a feast of jazz on Sunday and the best of York's contemporary rock bands yesterday.

And who could forget Thursday's Big Sing in Parliament Street, featuring hundreds of schoolchildren from all over Yorkshire, or the dramatic finale by French street theatre company Transe Express last night.

Big names in York included Jools Holland and Courtney Pine. But this wasn't about big names. It was about music for the people, bringing the heart of a beautiful city to vibrant, beating life.

Long may it be remembered.

Updated: 10:43 Tuesday, May 29, 2001