WHAT a breath of fresh air to read the article about Sue Sayles, new president of the National Association of Headteachers (May 29).

How wonderful to hear a member of the teaching profession say we have got to bring back the joy into teaching and the fun into education for our children.

I remember the pressure on my children during exams, and seeing two very able youngsters suddenly lose confidence in their own abilities because of the various pressures placed on them by their school for the sake of targets and league tables etc.

I was beginning to despair of what once was a wonderful education system in this country. I am pleased there is someone such as Sue Sayle in an influential position. With such a caring attitude, she can make a difference. Good luck, Sue.

Ms J M Williams,

Carlton Road,

Carlton Miniott, Thirsk.

Updated: 11:07 Friday, June 01, 2001