AS a very regular visitor to York, and a disabled driver, I have followed the bollard saga since it first appeared.

Now that the bollard has gone wrong and run amok, skewering this time the very vehicles it was not programmed to (May 22, pictured right), will the council now listen?

Imagine if instead of just a bus the bollard had skewered an emergency ambulance or fire engine in transit, resulting in loss of life. Who would be responsible for this and the compensation claim that would follow?

I well know that York has particular traffic problems because of its historical layout but it seems to me that the planners make more problems for themselves.

Over the years, I have seen this road or that road closed to traffic. Where do they imagine that the cars from these closed roads go? Don't they realise that it just sends traffic down someone else's road, causing congestion there?

Make public transport cheap, cheerful and frequent and people will use it. But if you can take your family of four into town for say £1 worth of petrol, you aren't going to spend £6 on bus fares.

W Elliott,

Owton Manor,


Updated: 10:32 Saturday, June 02, 2001