Vandalism victim Philip Nicholson is calling for corporal punishment to be introduced to combat the youngsters who have made his life hell.

Mr Nicholson, whose car and house have suffered repeated vandalism, also claims he has become the victim of the police as he is unable to defend his property for fear of arrest.

Philip, a gardener, who has lived in Alcuin Avenue, Tang Hall for six years, said he could not afford to move somewhere else, but is fed up with the abuse he has received. "These kids have a free rein to do what they want," he said.

"Kids as young as four verbally abuse you and then tell you openly that you can do nothing about it - and they are right.

"Maybe corporal punishment is the only thing left to keep kids in line."

He added that whereas a youth may only receive a slapped wrist, if he were to do "half the things they do" he would find himself in a lot of trouble with the police. During the last six months the incidents have increased with about one a month reported to the police.

He claimed the children responsible were aged between nine and 14.

"In February I had my car burned out in my front drive and more recently I've had windows smashed," he said.

"My house wouldn't look out of place in Palestine. It's absolutely decimated. It looks terrible.

"It is a worrying trend, kids are becoming more violent and aggressive. Parts of York could become the next Oldham."

Acting Sergeant Paul Armstrong of North Yorkshire Police said: "We are here to deal with crime and complaints from members of the public.

"If people are going to take matters into their own hands they open themselves up to allegations. The advice is come to us."

* A youth has been arrested and warned by police following a string of vandal attacks on a Tang Hall home.

Updated: 10:45 Monday, June 04, 2001