A CALL for greater focus on animal welfare in farm assurance schemes has been made by the Farm Animal Welfare Council.

"There can be no doubt that farm assurance schemes have the potential to raise welfare standards for farm animals and to provide recognition of such higher standards to the consuming public. However, this potential needs to be developed further," said Dr Judy MacArthur Clark, chairwoman of FAWC, at the launch of its interim report on the animal welfare implications of farm assurance schemes.

The report follows consultation with scheme managers, the agriculture industry, principal retailers, caterers, consumer groups and animal protection organisations.

The report offers recommendations including:

- the need for future government policy to encourage greater participation in farm assurance schemes;

- development of scheme standards, based on both science and practical experience, which will enhance the animal welfare components of farm assurance schemes; and

- the desirability for independent expert groups to be established to advise on the welfare standards in individual assurance schemes.

The Farm Animal Welfare Council (FAWC) was established by the government in 1979 to keep under review the welfare of farm animals on agricultural land, at market, in transit and at the place of slaughter; and to advise the government of any legislative or other changes it considers necessary.

Updated: 09:16 Thursday, September 06, 2001