THERE I was, standing in the playground waiting to pick up my daughter from school with all the other mums and dads, quietly listening to all the hellos, day-to-day chat etc., when a strange thought crossed my mind: 'I wonder what religion all these people are?'

Not that I cared, but I tried to put myself in the shoes of someone in Northern Ireland who probably right then was dodging bottles, cans, stones, spit and insults to get their terrified kids back home in one piece and then try to explain to a four year old why all those people hated them.

Those children are Ireland's future, and, if their daily RE lesson is anything to go by, the future is blank.

As one daily paper put it: "The first lesson of the day is bigotry".

P R Willey,

Burnholme Drive, York.

Updated: 10:42 Thursday, September 06, 2001