THERE is growing opposition both here and in the US to the proposed National Missile Defence - Son of Star Wars.

More than two thirds of all Labour MPs have now signed an Early Day Motion expressing their view that the UK should not get involved in this hugely expensive and destabilising project which President Bush seems determined to push through. Closer to home, many of us are concerned that our Government may consent to Fylingdales early warning base and Menwith Hill listening station being used in the NMD system.

Most people may not be aware that these two defence facilities are US bases. On Saturday some of us from York joined a silent vigil and meeting for worship at the gates of Fylingdales. There were around 20 of us, two of whom had come from Manchester to take part.

We were heartened that many passing cars honked their horns as a sign of support for our protest.

Margy Vernon,

Kendal Close,



Updated: 10:39 Thursday, September 06, 2001