A FAMILY of orphaned otter cubs will have to fend for themselves after a six-day search to find them drew a blank.

Workers with the Yorkshire Wildlife Trust spent days and nights searching, without success, around the River Derwent after a dead female was found near Stamford Bridge. She was killed by traffic.

The otter had been giving milk which indicated that one or two cubs could be close by.

Otters are fully weaned at four months old, but can stay with their mother for up to a year, learning to fish.

Sylvia Jay, the trust's otters and river project officer, said: "We gathered a team of experienced volunteers and staff, and searched all the likely places where cubs could be over a two-mile radius."

A post-mortem showed the female was near the end of her feeding period.

Sylvia said: "This means the cubs would be well grown and possibly able to fend for themselves.

"The plight of the young otters highlights the importance of telling us of any otters found dead, as quickly as possible."

To report a sighting, phone Sylvia on 01132 781724.

Updated: 11:44 Thursday, September 06, 2001