POLICE investigating the murder of a North Yorkshire man say they are seriously concerned about reprisals.

The killing of Michael Brolly has already been followed by an incident in which a house was attacked.

Officers say they are working hard to prevent further incidents following the death of Mr Brolly last Sunday on Low Ousegate in York city centre.

And they have warned families close to the case "not to take matters into their own hands".

Detective Chief Inspector Steve Barlow, the man leading the murder investigation, confirmed that police had received a complaint after a number of windows were smashed in a York property.

He said police were maintaining close contact with the families close to the case to prevent further problems.

"We are conscious of the fact that there are well-established York families involved in this case," said Detective Chief Inspector Steve Barlow.

"We are fearful of reprisals and have worked hard to prevent any problems by liaising closely with the families and warning them not to take matters into their own hands.

"They have behaved very well on the whole."

A high profile operation was in place yesterday evening, with eight officers on duty in George Hudson Street and Low Ousegate, stopping pedestrians to gather more information on the incident, which saw Mr Brolly kicked to death at around 9pm on Sunday, September 16.

DCI Steve Barlow said the officers were hoping to talk to people who may have been out the previous Sunday and may have seen anything in relation to the attack.

"We have a picture of what happened that evening," he told the Evening Press.

"But there are big gaps and we need to speak to people while the incident is still fresh in their minds.

"There were a lot of people around at the time and we need to piece together exactly what took place on that evening.

"A man being kicked to death on the city centre is not acceptable in our society and we would like to think people will come forward with information."

He * l A group of men drinking in Yates's Wine Lodge, Church Lane, and Casa in Low Ousegate

* An incident with "lots of shouting and bawling" close to the railings near Argos;

* A fight in Edwards, in George Hudson Street, which led to a chase up to Low Ousegate.

Last night's operation was hailed as a success, with "a number of important witnesses and pieces of information" discovered during the evening.

Det Chief Insp Barlow added that a post-mortem examination had proved inconclusive, and although Mr Brolly had sustained serious injuries there was no specific evidence of the cause of death.

He said a pathologist's report was expected in the next two weeks.

A team of 32 officers are working on the case, and more than 60 statements have been taken. Det Chief Insp Barlow said there were likely to be further arrests.

Four arrests were made last week, with two men and a woman released on bail. Jason Hodgson, 32, has been charged with affray and is on bail until October 19.

"We are happy with the inquiry so far but there are still people who are yet to come forward," said Det Chief Insp Barlow.

"We are keen to talk to a motorist who was driving past at the time, as it is thought that Mr Brolly ran in front of a car which had to stop for him, and we would be keen to locate its driver."

Anyone with any information should contact the murder incident room on 01904 631321.

Updated: 11:01 Monday, September 24, 2001