AT a time when we have witnessed the depths of depravity to which the human spirit can plummet, and the heights of magnificence to which it can soar, no sentiment has been more sickeningly inappropriate than that attributed to the protesters at Menwith Hill.

To suggest that we should oppose Menwith Hill and similar establishments in the area because they put us in the front line for the sort of attacks perpetrated by fanatics on the USA is to appeal to that most unattractive human emotion, naked self interest.

If Britain had reacted with such cowardice in 1939 we would have appeased Germany and abandoned Europe to the Nazi war machine. Our parents and grandparents understood that there was only one moral option and honoured their international commitments, even though they knew it would lead to pain, hardship and loss of life.

We must match their stoicism.

It is easy to set up camps, assume a radical posture, and spout forth about diplomacy, peace and reconciliation. These are things we all want. But history shows us that if you hold out the hand of friendship to the Hitlers, Stalins and Saddam Husseins of this world they will cut it off at the wrist.

Menwith Hill will be at the forefront of intelligence-gathering operations which, hopefully, will lead to the apprehension of those involved in the suicide bombing obscenity and be key to preventing other similar outrages elsewhere in the world.

The Americans should not be given a blank cheque to do whatever they please in response to the attack. But, at a time of worrying world instability, Britain should never turn its back on a friend.

Stephen Dalby,

Irwin Avenue,

Heworth, York.

Updated: 10:20 Thursday, September 27, 2001