I EMPATHISE with all those commuters who have expressed anger about our poor bus services.

Now I usually walk into town from Woodthorpe because it is quicker and less frustrating. The other day, however, I actually felt compelled to catch one. It wasn't going my way but because they are so rare these days - often heard, but seldom seen - that I leapt on board and we set off. What a mystery tour. We went around Foxwood, then around Foxwood and finally, once more around Foxwood. Half an hour into my journey I arrived back at my starting point. Eventually, the bus headed into town.

No wonder these buses always seem to run late or never turn up at all: Foxwood has its own Bermuda Triangle!

Phil Shepherdson,

Chantry Close,

Woodthorpe, York.

Updated: 10:36 Monday, October 29, 2001