RESIDENTS taking part in a clean-up campaign to restore a neglected area of public land were shocked to discover a gun dumped amid the debris.

Police were called to Bachelor Hill Field, off Tennent Road, Westfield, York, after a revolver was discovered by residents clearing litter from the area.

Alongside the weapon, alarmed residents also discovered a motorcycle helmet and a pair of gloves.

The gun was later found to be a replica weapon and was disposed of by police.

Liberal Democrat councillor Sue Galloway, who was taking part in the clean-up, said she believed the gear had been used by criminals at some point in the past.

She said: "We didn't know if it was real or not, but it was very heavy.

"It is our assumption that somebody's used it for something illegal somewhere along the line, and dumped it here. Anybody could have found it."

A police spokesman said: "We are making inquiries to ensure that these items have not been used in any crime."

The clean-up also produced 23 bags of litter which had been dumped on the land by thoughtless people.

Coun Galloway said: "Bachelor Hill Field is one of the highest areas in York, and used to be a very nice place where people used to spend some time and there was a real community spirit.

"Now it's used as a place to walk dogs and it's full of litter and dog dirt. We're trying to get it tidied up a bit, and put some better management in place."

Coun Galloway, along with Coun Andrew Waller who also represents Westfield, plan to follow the clean-up with other moves to restore pride in Bachelor Hill Field. They are arranging community events at the site, including a story-telling event on November 24.

Updated: 11:56 Monday, October 29, 2001