I WAS intrigued to learn that City Screen in York's Coney Street is to play recorded birdsong in its public areas to help staff and patrons mellow out. (Press, December 8).

Perhaps they could complement this with a selection of bird-related easy listening music such as Fleetwood Mac's Albatross or Leonard Cohen's Bird On A Wire to help enhance such a state of mind.

Neil Diamond's album Jonathan Livingston Seagull contains a number of tracks suited to this purpose. Those of a classical disposition may prefer something along the lines of Delius's On Hearing The First Cuckoo In Spring or The Lark Ascending by Vaughan Williams.

This sounds a great idea from City Screen. I hope it takes off.

N Field,

Cherry Hill Lane,

Bishop's Wharf, York.

Updated: 11:04 Wednesday, December 12, 2001