With the introduction of the euro currency tomorrow, Evening Press Chief Reporter MIKE LAYCOCK looks at how local shops and companies are preparing for the change

KEY businesses in York are adapting their tills to take the euro from tomorrow.

Some shops and hotels intend accepting the single currency from the moment it is launched on the Continent, even though Britain is sticking with the pound... at least for the time being.

Marks & Spencer says it will have specially-adapted tills able to receive the euro on the first and third floors of its store in Parliament Street, and also at its Coppergate store, when it reopens after the New Year Bank Holiday, on Wednesday.

Commercial manager James Parramore said items around the store would still be priced in pounds.

But customers could hand over euro notes at the special tills, which would be updated daily to keep abreast of the latest currency fluctuations between the pound and euro.

The tills would work out how much change should be given... in sterling. He said it was not felt appropriate to install a special euro till on the ground floor food hall.

The Royal York Hotel and Hilton Hotel, near Clifford's Tower, both said they would be accepting euros from customers after tomorrow.

Dixons, in Coney Street, also said it would be accepting euros, and its staff were to receive extra training to this end.

BHS said it would be accepting Euro notes.

But not all retailers are following the euro suit at this stage.

A spokesman for WH Smith, which has stores in Coney Street and at Monks Cross, said euros would only be accepted at its airport stores and branches on the Continent.

Updated: 10:27 Monday, December 31, 2001