MANY of your readers will have received new mobile phones this Christmas but may not be aware that Oxfam would welcome the gift of their old handset.

There are millions of old mobiles lying around in people's homes and offices in Britain and each working mobile has a recycle value of around £5 to Oxfam through our Bring Bring scheme.

Donating a Nokia 5110 could enable Oxfam to buy up to four specially- designed emergency water buckets for use in conflict or natural disaster.

A Nokia 3310 could provide a blackboard for a teacher in the Philippines.

People can donate phones and their chargers by handing them into our shops or by calling 08700 101049. We have also launched a scheme to enable people to set up their own recycling schemes in the workplace.

A special pack including poster, leaflet and collection box poster can be downloaded from the Oxfam website

So go on, hand over your handset to Oxfam.

Jonty Davies,

Shop Manager,


Goodramgate, York.

Updated: 09:49 Monday, December 31, 2001