YORK motorists are facing fresh roadworks delays - this time on the Hull Road.

Yorkshire Water has begun work on the next stage of a £4 million Towncare scheme to improve the quality of the city's drinking water.

A new main is being laid between the junctions of Tang Hall Lane and Windmill Lane, and Thief Lane and Lilac Avenue. The scheme, which will take about four weeks to complete, coincides with the start of phase two of the A64 roadworks at Copmanthorpe, which caused knock-on traffic congestion across the city during the first phase last autumn.

Yorkshire Water project manager Jim Claydon said the south side of Hull Road would be closed in 50-metre sections to enable work to be carried out, accompanied by temporary traffic lights.

Everything possible would be done to reduce the impact, with work taking place outside peak traffic times, beginning at 9.30am and finishing at 4pm.

Updated: 10:57 Tuesday, January 08, 2002