IT'S very nice that Terry Aconley has made friends with a robin and now feeds him regularly, (January 4) but, unfortunately, seeds are the last type of food that should be given to robins.

Like wrens, these birds are insectivorous soft bills, and seeds can seriously damage their beaks and digestive systems.

They eat seeds only when they are desperate for food.

The safest option would be to feed the robin on finely-grated mild cheese and pre-soaked raisins or sultanas, and to ensure that fresh water is always available in a safe place well away from cats and other predators.

Sparrows, finches and other hard-billed birds will make short work of all the left-over seeds, so they won't be wasted; and Mr Aconley will doubtless be treated to even more conversations and songs!

Anne Layram,

Trafalgar Street,

South Bank, York.

....CONGRATULATIONS to the Evening Press's Frank Dwyer on his delightful photograph of a robin, a tiny seed in its bill, sitting on a milkman's hand. What a very clever caption. In a contrast to our violent society, the gentle picture of Terry and his little friend brought pleasure to this reader.

Joan E Paley,

Alwyne Drive, York.

Updated: 10:31 Wednesday, January 09, 2002