PLANETYORK'S green spotlight is being turned on the city's museums and art gallery.

More than 1,000 energy-saving lightbulbs are being fitted in York Castle Museum, the Yorkshire Museum and the City Art Gallery as they play a part in the campaign to make York the UK's most energy-efficient city.

The lights, donated by Yorkshire Electricity, will illuminate collections.

And a bulb will even be put into York Castle Museum's archives.

Acting curator Keith Matthews said: "The museum is all about conserving items which tell the social history of their time, and these energy efficient bulbs offer an insight into the concerns of early 21st century living."

PlanetYork has handed out more than 4,000 of the bulbs, with other recipients including the University of York and Norwich Union.

The project is a year-long campaign to reduce the impact of climate change by cutting energy use through simple lifestyle changes.

Updated: 15:37 Thursday, January 17, 2002