A LANDLORD has reacted with fury after travellers set up camp on waste ground behind his pub, in York.

Concern was raised after caravans and cars descended on a former car park behind the Rose and Crown in Lawrence Street yesterday.

The landlord, who would not be named for fear of reprisals, complained to City of York Council, which said its hands were tied because it was private land.

He said: "I can't believe it.

"There are stray dogs and roosters running wild, making a lot of noise.

"I phoned up the council and police, but they said nothing could be done.

"It's very bad for business. "We can only hope that the owner of the land does something about it."

Another businessman, who would not be named, said: "The dogs have not stopped barking.

"There's a lot of concern round here."

But traveller Thomas Brown, who comes from Leeds, said they would not be staying long.

He told the Evening Press: "We're just here to get some repairs done - we plan to set off to Birmingham on Monday.

"Local people have got nothing to worry about - we won't be bothering anyone."

A spokesman for City of York Council said, "We are aware of the issue and investigated it yesterday. "There are three caravans on this particular piece of land, which is an old car park.

"However, since this is private land there is little we can do apart from advising the land owners on what action they can take if they wish to.

"We have contacted the land owners today to inform them of the situation and what legal steps they could take to get the travellers to move on.

"We do provide facilities for travellers in the city, but when travellers arrive illegally on council land we will take steps to force them to move.

"However, when it is private land it is a matter for the land owner."

The land is owned by Manchester-based Green Properties.

A spokesman for York police said: "The council has more powers than us to act in these cases.

"It has been informed and is taking the necessary course of action."

Updated: 11:55 Thursday, January 17, 2002