YORK Wasps full-back Jamie Benn has given coach Leo Epifania a boost by overcoming a bout of mild concussion in readiness for the tough trip to Rochdale Hornets.

The former Castleford Tigers number one felt groggy after Sunday's defeat by Hull KR but today said he would be fit to play against the unbeaten title-challengers this weekend.

He also told the Evening Press that the referee on Sunday, Ben Thaler, was right not to send off Hull KR's Lynton Stott during that game, despite the fact the decision could have proved crucial.

Stott was penalised for a trip on Benn after half an hour of Rovers' 22-8 win at Huntington Stadium, after the Wasps star had chipped ahead to set up a race for the touchdown.

But, rather than show Stott the red card, Thaler put the incident on report and awarded York - still searching their first Northern Ford Premiership win of the season - nothing more than a penalty, which Benn goaled.

But today Benn said: "I don't think it was a deliberate trip. To put it on report was probably the right decision. I don't think he should have been sent off.

"But I do think we should have been awarded a penalty try."

Reacting to claims that he dived, he added: "He did make some contact with me. I would not dive. If I was going to be a diver I would have played football."

As for this weekend, he added: "I'll be all right for Sunday, there's no problem. I just had a headache until Tuesday."

Benn was playing his first game back at Huntington Stadium for just over a year, after re-signing for the Wasps a fortnight ago.

"It's better now than it has been in the past," he said.

"Leo Epifania is a very good coach and knows his stuff, and the quality of player we've got back is very good too. I feel we're going in the right direction."

Benn admits that the team need to improve if they are to reach their goal of a top-nine finish.

"Unless we start looking after the ball we're not going to win a game. The players are trying hard - nobody goes out with the intention of making mistakes. But we can't defend for a whole game and get away with it. The effort was there against Hull KR but we need to play smarter."

Benn set up Wasps' only try against Rovers and was one of the better players on the day, playing in his favoured full-back role. His performance might give coach Epifania a nice selection headache for when Aussie Ben Sorbello, who has worn the number one shirt with aplomb this season, returns from injury.

But Benn said: "Everybody can improve, including me. It's a long season and this was only my second game, after playing on the wing against Oldham last week. I will get back into it.

"I do prefer full-back but, saying that, if it means I get a shirt on my back I will play anywhere."

Updated: 11:38 Thursday, January 17, 2002