IF you find yourself charged with a serious criminal offence, your guilt may be decided by 12 people so fired with the spirit of justice, that half of them will be watching darts on TV (January 12).

Watching darts does not require the presence of anything between the ears. Ergo, it is reasonable to suppose that the same level of intelligence will be applied to the trifling matter of your liberty.

The recent collapse of a case against a man charged with rape must call into question the very concept of trial by jury.

In the days when your fate was decided by twelve good men and true, it may have been the best system available.

In today's world of the bimbo culture, where the senses are bombarded by noise, Neighbours and the brainless misery of Eastenders, there is every chance of a fiasco.

Robert Holmes,

Thorganby, York.

Updated: 10:38 Thursday, January 17, 2002