A COUPLE who supply a range of dairy products to major supermarkets from their goat farm near York have been recognised in a national farming award.

Angus and Kathleen Wielkopolski, who rear goats at St Helen's Farm, Seaton Ross, south-east of York, have clinched the Great British Food Award in the north-east regional heats of the National Farmers' Union President's Awards.

The couple, who started farming in 1984, employ 35 people on their 250-acre farm where they milk and process the goats' milk.

The milk is pasteurised and packed into cartons and sold either whole or semi-skimmed and some is also used to make a selection of bio yoghurts, cheese, cream and butter.

Mr Wielkopolski said: "We use careful and sensitive farming methods, with close attention to breeding and diet, which combine to produce the mildest and freshest tasting goats' milk available.

"Our target is anyone who consumes milk and dairy products."

The NFU award recognises family food producers who have diversified by adding value to their primary produce, creating the finest quality British food.

As well as receiving a cash prize of £200, St Helen's Farm has been entered into the national finals, which will be judged later this month.

Updated: 09:32 Thursday, January 17, 2002