A KNIFEMAN threatened a 26-year-old shop assistant before stealing cash in a York robbery.

Claire Hewitson, from Holgate, had the knife held to her side at the Corner Shop at the junction of Holgate Road and Lowther Terrace.

Her attacker held shut the door to an upstairs flat to stop her calling for help from owner Elaine Smith.

The shop till had been emptied of £200 only minutes before the robbery, which happened at about 8pm yesterday - but the robber still got away with the remaining £50.

"Claire was very shook up and in a right state," said Elaine.

"I heard her screaming and hysterical, and rushed down. She said we'd been robbed."

Miss Hewitson had only been working at the shop for two weeks.

She was unhurt in the incident, but very shocked.

"She did the right thing," said Mrs Smith.

"I've always told my staff that if anything like this happens they should hand over the money straight away. There's no point in risking anything else."

The man, thought to be in his late 20s, was wearing a black woolly hat and spoke with a distinctive Irish accent.

He appeared drunk, and staggered behind the counter before holding the flat door shut and producing the knife.

He knew Mrs Smith's name and is thought to have been watching the shop from outside.

"He seemed to know when I had gone upstairs, which suggests he had been watching," she said. "It is strange because I had an inkling that something like this might happen.

"This is the first robbery we've had, but there have been quite a few things happening in this area."

The man ran off in the direction of Blossom Street.

Anyone with information should phone police on 01904 631321.

Updated: 12:33 Saturday, February 16, 2002