A GAUDY pair of Eastender Pat Evans's famous earrings have taken pride of place in the home of one of the BBC's soaps biggest fans.

A pair of earrings that Pat wore in the scene when Roy finally plucked up courage to tell her that he hated her huge ear jewellery have now taken centre stage over Antonia Morris's fireplace.

The 30-year-old won the big, bright, "vile" earrings in a competition on the soap's website asking surfers who was Pat's first husband.

Antonia, of Melbourne Street, shares a house with five other Eastenders fans and all of them have been taking bets on which character says "What's goin' on" the most.

Seeking advice from the site she came across the competition and thought she try and win the earrings as present for the winner of the house bet.

Antonia, who is a fiction editor publisher for a company in London, said: "I just won them by chance, but now they have been lovingly placed in pride of place in the lounge. Everyone who comes round has to try them on."

The red stone earrings with dangly chains and beads in a gold trim are a constant reminder for the housemates of their love of the soap. Antonia added: "They are so vile but really fun. It's great to have a bit of the soap in our lounge.

"We are all big Eastenders fans and I'm quite fond of Pat. But I have to admit that my favourite is actually Dot and her earrings aren't nearly as big."

Updated: 08:55 Tuesday, February 19, 2002