A BRAVE North Yorkshire teenager is one of only ten people about to pick up a national award in London after hospital staff put his name forward.

Robert Hornby, 17, of East View, Langthorpe, Boroughbridge, has been chosen to receive a Child Of Resolution Award this year after his incredible progress and achievements during his eight-month stay at York District Hospital.

Robert's bravery, determination and sense of humour throughout his long illness delighted the many staff who worked with him, so his hospital teacher, Dorothy Gilbert, nominated him for the award.

A heart defect meant Robert was admitted to York District Hospital from Leeds in June 2000, unable to speak. He was paralysed and was not able to leave hospital until the following February.

But by the beginning of September 2000 he was already spending short periods in the schoolroom on the ward, though he could only communicate by nodding his head and small finger movements.

Although Robert was still totally dependent on his family and the nursing staff for his physical needs, by December he had made great progress and managed to complete mock GCSEs in geography and maths.

After a risky, but successful, operation to repair the heart defect Robert was discharged on February 2 last year and attended school part-time.

He said: "I've never been to London before and can't wait to go. It's all really exciting and I'm so pleased to have won this award."

Mrs Gilbert said: "Robert is a remarkable young man and we all greatly admire his courage, bravery, determination and wonderful sense of humour, which has sustained him and his family throughout this long illness and rehabilitation.

"He has a very positive attitude to life, concentrating on the things he can do and making light of his limitations and frustrations."

He will receive a certificate and a prize of £100 at a special ceremony at the House of Lords on May 14.

Updated: 10:21 Saturday, February 23, 2002