SPACE enthusiasts will have a chance to see Saturn and Jupiter at a public viewing event at Dalby Forest visitors' centre.

Astronomy Centre staff will be pointing their telescopes towards the two gas giants, which are well-placed for viewing at this time of year.

Organiser John Harper said the event was free of charge.

"Time is running out, and in a couple of months Saturn will be lost in the evening twilight sky," he said.

"If the weather behaves itself, we hope to use the telescopes to view the rings of Saturn.

"We will also view Saturn's satellites and the cloud bands in the planet's atmosphere.

"More detailed cloud belts will be on show in Jupiter's atmosphere, and we will be able to see the Galilean satellites, including Europa, where many scientists believe that life may possibly exist in the warm sea below its frozen surface of ice."

The event takes place on Friday, from 7pm to 10pm.

Updated: 12:02 Wednesday, February 27, 2002