WILDLIFE lover Valya Brigham leapt for joy when hundreds of frogs besieged her pond to breed.

The amorous amphibians have descended on her garden off Heslington Lane, in York, for the annual mating season.

"I've never seen anything like it," Valya said.

"The whole pond has been so full of frogs you can barely see the water.

"The croaking is so loud I can hear it from my bedroom. It sounds like a pneumatic drill.

"It has been great - I'll really miss them when they're gone."

Valya, who sells her own artwork, has been showing her new guests off to family and friends.

"Frogs might be becoming rarer elsewhere but not in my garden!" she said.

"I haven't a clue why my pond has attracted so many - we've never had this many before."

Valya's husband John added: "It has been unbelievable - they're hopping all over the place."

Updated: 09:05 Wednesday, March 06, 2002