A SICK cat who went missing from his home in York before Christmas has amazed his owners and his vet by returning safe and sound almost three months later.

Brandy, an eight-year-old pale ginger tom, needs regular medication for a weak heart.

So his owner, Mary Perkins, who lives in Rockingham Avenue, Tang Hall, was devastated when Brandy failed to return home one day in December and she promptly appealed to the public through the pages of the Evening Press.

As the weeks went by she resigned herself to the fact that she would never see Brandy alive again.

Then on Saturday morning a neighbour discovered a thin and ill-looking cat resembling the once-plump Brandy in his back garden and alerted Mrs Perkins' daughter, Veronica Jendrek, who lives in nearby Fifth Avenue.

Mrs Jendrek said that at first they did not recognise the pet because he looked so different.

When they took him for a check-up the vet said he was amazed that he had survived.

Brandy now has to return to the vet in two weeks' time for another check-up.

Mrs Jendrek said: "We thought we wouldn't see him again, we thought he had been run over or somebody had catnapped him - you think all sorts.

"My mum thought she would never see him again, she was quite emotional when he came back.

"The vet said he had never known anything like it.

"He knew what Brandy was like before and he couldn't believe what he looked like when he saw him, he was so thin and he just looked terrible.

"But he's had some vitamins and some medication and he should be okay."

Updated: 11:03 Thursday, March 14, 2002