FLYING Ducks Youth Theatre's new show, West Side Story, boasts one of the biggest sets ever to go into the Joseph Rowntree Theatre in York. "It's taken more than three months to design and build," says designer Stephen Outhwaite.

Meanwhile, costume designer Dawn Outhwaite will return to work with the National Youth Theatre in London the day after the show ends to help prepare costumes for Nicholas Nickleby, which will go on tour to Manchester after Easter.

Dawn, who last year designed all the costumes for Flying Ducks' production of Return To The Forbidden Planet, is in her final year at Cleveland College of Art and Design, studying for a degree in entertainment design crafts.

In a distinctive feature of next week's show, the cast members will be the same age as the characters they portray in the Leonard Bernstein-Stephen Sondheim teenage musical based on Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet.

Flying Ducks was established in 1995 to provide experience in aspects of theatre, front and backstage for young people whatever their level of skill. Based in Haxby and Wigginton, the group has 50 members aged ten to 18, and another 70 on the waiting list, and meetings take place at least once a week throughout the year, with many more sessions as performance dates draw closer.

The group has applied successfully for charitable status. As submitted to the Charity Commission, its objectives are to advance the education of young people up to the age of 18 in the appreciation and practice of drama and the performing arts and to provide financial assistance to charitable institutions. With that in mind, Flying Ducks seeks involvement in community activities, such as BBC Music Live in York last year and Children In Need, and this summer there are plans to take part in Haxby and Wigginton's celebrations of The Queen's Golden Jubilee.

West Side Story, the story of Jets gang member Tony falling in love with Maria, from rival Puerto Rican gang The Sharks, will be staged in York from March 21 to 23. Performances start at 7.30pm nightly plus 2.30pm next Saturday.

Tickets are available from Pam Davies on 01904 761400 and the York Theatre Royal box office, 01904 623568.

Updated: 09:39 Friday, March 15, 2002