I HAVE been reading your reports on Thrall Europa at Holgate Park.

I live near this site and I'm disgusted in the way Thrall Europa and the city council have behaved.

When it was to be redeveloped, residents' views were treated as an irrelevance.

First we asked for some kind of barrier between us and the site to reduce noise and protect our privacy. We were told there was no cash for this.

The buildings immediately opposite a residential site were earmarked for warehousing. This was never the case before because heavy industry operated from these buildings.

So we have had to put up with permanent noise - 20 hours a day seven days a week, while looking out on to a scrap yard of metal and half-built wagons.

The previous site was subject to a sound abatement order and, during redevelopment, it was removed. This was very underhanded.

Your report stated that £1 million of public money has been put into the site and Thrall Europa (March 5). But no consideration was ever given to the local residents.

Having complained to my local councillor about these issues, he refused to answer any of my queries.

I then became very suspicious his loyalties lay. It was not with the residents of his ward.

Thrall Europa and the council were not interested in how they were affecting local residents.

We were also promised a community hall on the site which has failed to appear.

William Wilson,

Wilton Rise,

Holgate, York.

Updated: 10:16 Monday, March 18, 2002