THE city council recently published its proposals for encroachments into the Green Belt. Most of the proposed development sites lie on the northern ring road.

There are also proposals to develop the 'teardrop site' behind York Station.

These require road access and the plan is to get this by extending the spine road through the Poppleton Business Park from its junction with the Northern Ring Road, near Poppleton.

This is a single carriageway road throughout its length and is already heavily congested most times of the day.

On the south side of York we have a dual carriageway trunk road with grade separated junctions, the A64, with relatively light traffic, which surrounded by open land.

Why isn't the council proposing development along this route in preference to the Northern Ring Road?

D Johnson,

Main Street,

Upper Poppleton, York.

Updated: 10:14 Monday, March 18, 2002