I AM appalled at the article written by the so-called man on the late Saturday night omnibus on Monday, April 1.

He referred to Huntington as "hostile Huntington" and this type of throw-away remark makes me angry and is an insult to all the good residents of Huntington.

Huntington has had one incident relating to bus attacks, compared with many in other areas of York. It has not been proved that this attack was by anyone from Huntington.

We have a very low crime rate and many of the incidents reported are down to elements from outside this area. To brand Huntington as being hostile is uncalled for. The 'man on the bus' should think before he insults other communities.

Peter G Richardson,

Clerk, Huntington Parish Council,

Merlin Covert,

Huntington, York.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, April 17, 2002