A PET cat which went missing from his owners' house in August, last year, has been found.

Oliver, an eight-year-old black and white cat, disappeared from Almsford Road, York, last August. His owners Dave Keenleyside and Maureen May, searched high and low for him, but when Oliver failed to reappear they feared they would never see him again.

During the time he was missing, one of Oliver's forelegs became entangled inside his elasticated collar, which then began to rub underneath his leg.

Members of the public noticed a raw and septic wound and contacted the RSPCA, but each time animal collection officer Joel Millard tried to catch him Oliver ran away. Then at the weekend Mr Millard finally caught up with Oliver and, thanks to the telephone number printed on his collar, returned him to his owners.

Although very thin, Oliver is now safely at home and is beginning to recover from his ordeal. He has been prescribed antibiotics for his wound.

Ms May said she was thrilled to have her pet back. She said: "I never dreamed I would see him again, I'm absolutely over the moon."

Mr Millard said: "I'd been trying to catch Oliver for a long time as he was obviously in pain.

"Ironically the collar that caused him so much distress also proved to be essential in returning him to his owners. If he had not been wearing his collar there is no way we would have known that his owners lived just three streets away from where he turned up."

Updated: 11:43 Wednesday, April 17, 2002