A storming performance by York RI Under-15s' forwards laid the foundations for a comprehensive 28-5 win over visitors Old Leodensians.

RI scored first with a Lloyd Carlton try, converted by Tom Dunmore, but Leos battered the RI line from several scrums to notch a try.

RI kicked off the second half deep into their opponents' 22 where Robin Grice collared the full-back before releasing the ball to Mark Musgrove, who flew over, Dunmore converting.

Leos pushed for scores but it was RI who notched a scintillating try, breaking from their own half through a series of rucks and mauls before giving Zak Ford enough room to outstrip the remaining defence.

The back row of Ollie Mills, Dan Hunt and Chris Nicholson tackled stoically, yet still found time for several penetrating runs.

With five minutes to go RI sealed the win when interplay between the forwards gave Mills the initial gap before off-loading to Tom Heslop on the half-way line. He skinned the defence to go in under the posts. Dunmore completed a 100 per cent kicking record.

On a bone hard ground RI's U-13s were well in contention until the heat took its toll and they lost 41-19 to Hull.

Craig Musgrave at hooker and Tom Speck were everywhere tackling anything that moved and were well supported by Ben Cairns. Liam Thomas scored a try on his debut. Daniel Spencer completed the scoring with two tries and two conversions.

Updated: 12:07 Wednesday, April 17, 2002