THOUSANDS of people are expected to fill York Minster for a series of inspirational talks and presentations.

Christian charity One Voice has organised a series of ten evenings which will look at personal improvement and life issues.

The Just 10 series is based on the Biblical ten Commandments and organisers say it represents a practical guide to life in the 21st century.

The meetings will be led by international speaker J John, a 43-year-old father-of-three and author of 23 books.

He said: "The Just 10 series gives an opportunity for a personal MOT. I hope it will inspire, encourage and enrich the lives of the people of York and surrounding area." The series will run every Thursday from tomorrow until June 20.

The Just 10 series will be followed by a Youth Caf meeting in the St Michael-le-Belfrey Church hall in Stonegate, York.

The first meeting, entitled How To Find True Contentment, begins at 8pm tomorrow. There is no charge and visitors are asked to come early.

- Answers in Genesis worker Philip Bell will speak about creation science at two meetings held by Calvary Chapel, York. The meetings, at 3 Fawcett Street, will be held at 1.30pm and 7.30pm on Wednesday April 24.

Updated: 11:38 Wednesday, April 17, 2002