SUPER mum Tracey Simpson-Laing has just graduated from the Open University after combining her studies with the birth of her first child, a part-time job, work as a city councillor and standing for Parliament.

Tracey, 35, of Carnot Street, York, has been awarded a BSc in Social Science with social policy and sociology.

She said she wanted to start the course to prove to herself she could do it.

She already had a degree in fine art after attending Fishergate Primary School, the former Mill Mount Grammar School and York College.

She took up academic studies again in 1996 completing an A-level in psychology on a correspondence course, and then moved on to the degree course.

Shortly afterwards she was elected a city councillor in York in 1999, she had her baby daughter Nianh in August 2000, then she stood in the General Election in East Yorkshire in June 2001.

"If I'd got in I would have carried on, they encourage MPs to finish courses they have started," she said.

Until Nianh's birth she worked full-time as an office manager and now works part-time.

"You just don't watch a lot of telly and don't go out!" she said.

"If you do a couple of hours each night and work on a Sunday, you can easily do it."

She seems to have passed on the bug to her husband, Iain, who she thanked for his support.

He has just completed a diploma in human geography and is also hoping to complete a degree course.

Updated: 11:36 Wednesday, April 17, 2002