IF YOU want to get ahead get a "ped". That's the message from a new project to reduce congestion and improve the health of York children.

The idea is for school pupils to use "pedometers" to collect data on the amount of walking they do and the number of calories they burn up, in a bid to encourage walking to school.

Year Three pupils from Lakeside Primary School in Clifton Moor have already been using the pedometers, which have been donated by Argos.

Each child wears the pedometer on the journey to and from school. The project is being used in class as part of the school curriculum.

Coun Dave Merrett, City of York Council's executive member for planning and transport, said: "This is an excellent partnership, showing real joined-up thinking between education, transport, education and health.

"The generous contribution from Argos and the hard work of the pupils and staff will benefit everyone in the local community."

Katherine Charnley, class teacher at Lakeside School, said: "The children were extremely excited about the project, particularly being responsible for their own pedometer for a whole week.

"The pedometers are valuable to children's learning and can help encourage walking rather than depending on cars for the school run."

The school run causes 20 per cent of city traffic at peak times, and the council's school travel plan co-ordinator, Caroline Emmerson, said walking to school had declined rapidly from 59 per cent to 48 per cent over the last decade.

Worrying trends had appeared of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in young people.

"Children that participate in regular exercise, such as walking to school, can help reduce the risk of developing such diseases," she added.

She can be contacted on 01904 551345 for more information about the pedometers, which are available for loan to all York primary and secondary schools.


Updated: 08:44 Wednesday, April 17, 2002