WITH the World Cup looming it struck me that the job of England coach must be cursed.

For example, the following managers have all been touted as men to lead us to the ultimate prize, but at what price? Their downfall!

Graham Taylor - disastrous game against Sweden, which earned him the lifetime nickname "turnip".

Terry Venables - allegations revolving around his business interests led to his departure.

Glen Hoddle - remarks made about disabled people didn't go down too well in most quarters.

Kevin Keegan - walked away claiming the pressure was too much.

This now brings us nicely to Sven Goran Eriksson who has, in most people's minds the best chance of leading us all the way.

But a word of caution is looming for Sven-Goran Erikson. If he doesn't sort his love life out very soon he may find himself with the dubious honour of being the first England manager to miss the finals due to a groin strain injury!

P R Willey,

Burnholme Drive,

Updated: 11:09 Thursday, April 25, 2002