I commend the French resistance to the Nazi Le Pen. Every student I know is prepared to do the same here to oppose fascist groups such as the British National Party.

I welcome refugees who enrich our culture, which is historically based on immigration.

Blair and Blunkett have failed people because they scapegoat asylum seekers instead of addressing the real causes of poverty.

Blunkett was correct when he said we should unite against the BNP, but he must recognise that getting 'tough' on asylum seekers promotes the far right. We need the spirit of resistance seen in France and a real alternative to New Labour that puts people before profit.

Richard McEwan,

York St John's College,

Lord Mayor's Walk,


...I WOULD like to thank the people who took the time to reply and give their opinions of the points I raised in my recent letter concerning the French elections and Le Pen.

In reply to F Ormston, I said that Le Pen beat the French Prime Minister in a democratic election, so what had the democratic French got to demonstrate about? How many people out on the streets had the chance to vote, but just didn't bother?

Also I have no recollection of blaming society's ills on refugees, I never said it and never will.

In reply to Jane Duke, if she picks up the Oxford dictionary she will see that aboriginal is defined as living in a land from earliest times.

Yes we may be a mix of Danes, Celts, Saxons, Normans and others, but when were they here? A very long time ago. So if most of the white British are related to these invaders, we must by definition be "the Aboriginal British".

It's true that people have always migrated to Britain and always will, but as I said it is the sheer volume. It cannot be sustainable to take everyone who thinks that Britain would be a nice place to live, of whatever colour or creed.

Mr R Osborne,

Springbank Avenue,

Dunnington, York.

Updated: 10:21 Saturday, May 04, 2002