NEW chairman, new kit, new ground, new underwear and now a new name?

The winds of change are not so much blowing through a previously stale Bootham Crescent as whipping up a storm.

The change of name from Football Club to Soccer Club will no doubt make many wince; yet another bastion of Englishness Americanised simply to make life simpler for our Stateside cousins.

But while it is necessary to doff your caps to tradition it should not become a millstone around your necks.

The simple fact of the matter is football clubs in the lower reaches of the game are dying on their feet with the demise of ITV Digital yet another nail in the coffin for many.

In such a climate, survival necessitates change.

Anything and everything that can breathe fresh finances into football should be considered.

Nothing should be off-limits for ultimately it matters not one jot if the club is called YCFC or YCSC if it stays alive.

John Batchelor is looking for crowds of more than 5,500 next season.

Of course, what will really bring the fans flocking once more to Bootham Crescent is a successful team playing attractive football. A change of name won't initially, but it might in the long term.

True enough, the money spent on what many will deem superficial surgery could have been spent on the team.

But if simply using the word soccer instead of football will be ensure mega-bucks American investment which can then be used for significant team strengthening then is it really such a difficult pill top swallow.

Win at all costs? You bet.

Updated: 11:53 Monday, May 20, 2002