YOUNG Muslims in York have been celebrating with their families after passing a hard-earned coming of age landmark.

Up to six young members of York Muslim Association have finished their studies of the Koran - the Islamic sacred text.

The students have read all 30 chapters of the book in its original Arabic, an achievement which follows many months of study.

The children, aged between six and 16, attended a special ceremony at the association's Tang Hall base. They were joined by 45 other young people and many of the association's 100 members.

There they were given presents from their families and the Muslim community at a colourful traditional ceremony.

Association secretary Yusuf Karbani said: "They work very hard and we are very proud of them.

"It's a wonderful achievement for them an a special occasion for our community.

"At future meetings they can come forward and read parts of the Koran without any fear."

Updated: 08:25 Wednesday, September 04, 2002