CONSERVATION officers of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds and the National Farmers' Union have joined forces in a new initiative aimed at helping the countryside and its wildlife in Ryedale.

Arable farmers can bid for EU environmental funding under a new scheme launched by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, says Mike Pilsworth, a volunteer, farmer and project officer.

He said there had already been keen interest in the Vale of Pickering and Malton area.

Under the new RSPB initiative, Volunteer and Farmer Alliance, farmers are provided with a free, confidential and no-obligation survey of the birds on their farm, using trained volunteers from the society. "The results are given to the farmer in the form of a map, indicating populations of birds on the farm," said Mr Pilsworth.

Help is given to farmers to submit schemes to the Countryside Stewardship Scheme, including restoring hedgerows, creating grass margins alongside dykes and fields to act as wildlife corridors, managing hay meadows and planting special crops for bird cover and feed.

"The scheme tries to enhance the whole farm," said Mr Pilsworth.

Updated: 09:31 Thursday, September 12, 2002