I WAS very surprised to read Helen Mead's column slating the Friends Reunited website and even more surprised to read she hadn't even visited the site. She passed judgement before seeing the evidence!

I can understand if she is not interested in meeting old friends, perhaps she has negative memories of school, but that problem lies with her and not the website.

I registered at Friends Reunited a year ago and it has given me great fun - looking at old school photos (did we really dress like that in 1978?) and receiving emails from old pals.

Some of the contacts have been people I barely remember, but I have been pleased to hear from several old friends with whom I lost touch.

I may be a saddo living in the past, but as my father, an archaeologist, always said, the future is unknown, the present is a mere split second, we really only have the past to look at.

For Helen's information, although you have to register your details on entering the site, it is possible to remove them as soon as you have finished looking around. This will cost nothing and may even be fun. Give it a go Helen, you may enjoy it.

Mary Murata,

The Vale,

Skelton, York.

Updated: 12:39 Friday, September 13, 2002